Tomato Passata sauce, part 1
Tomato Passata sauce, part 2
Mazzafegato and Lentils soup
Encouraged by the enthusiasm ,curiosity and the desire to test and learn everything ,shown by the new group of students from the Culinary Institute of America ,I decided to introduce them to some of the typical produce of areas protected by THE SLOW FOOD ASSOCIATION. Promoted as an alternative to fast food, [...]
Green Tagliatelle made with parsley served with a aubergine pesto
While on my morning run today I met Salvatore , a very fit 80 year old ,he was busy pruning his olive trees. Ciao -I said- would you mind if I bring my car later and load up with some of your cut olive branches for [...]
Egg Carbonara
This morning was my turn to be first out of bed . I set the animals free , fed the cats and let Lui out . Then I started the kitchen fire and brought a cappuccino to Nick who was waiting in bed. Yes, my Birthday is well and truly over. All [...]
Ricotta and aubergine cannelloni
Last night on the eve of my birthday, Nick asked me if I had any special wishes . Well, to tell you the truth, I did have one… Snow !!! And lots of it. That wish came true this morning. I couldn’t believe it , we opened the shutters [...]
Tortelloni filled with Buffalo mozzarella foam , served with Broccoli cream ,a dash of sun dried tomatoes and fresh anchovies paste .
I wish I could say that I made this Tortelloni dish using only the eggs laid by our new chickens! Unfortunately that`s not the case. But let’s start from the beginning.
As [...]
Tagliatelle and wild mushrooms
The other morning as I was making the coffee ,Nick who had been outside letting our goat Hilda into the field, came running in ,grabbed a basket , a knife and hurried back out . Five minutes later he returned with a mountain of wild mushrooms. Fantastico ! Especially as [...]
Small knots of green paste made with parsley, filled with chestnut and ricotta cheese and served with Pioppini mushrooms .
A few weeks ago, on a beautiful Autumn afternoon ,we went to meet our good friend Fumo . He had kindly offered to introduce us to some other local people who kept goats. Our [...]
Ravioli filled with pumpkin, ricotta cheese amaretti biscuits and nutmeg, served in butter and sage
I am very sorry if you have been worrying about what has happened to me but the last week has been very hectic ( no we haven’t left the hand brake off the car again and no there hasn’t [...]
A few of the children squashing the grapes into the container.
So many people came to help us with the harvest this year we just couldn`t believe it, again we are so grateful and send a big thank you to everybody for all your hard work.
But let’s start from the beginning : On Saturday [...]
With great sorrow I have to tell you that one of our goats Bea has been fatally attacked by a wolf. It ‘happened during the night and the next morning when I found her it was horrible. Unfortunately Nick was away and I had to decide on a quick solution, whether to [...]
Red chilies from my vegetable garden
Ciao everyone, no I haven`t won the lottery and escaped to exotic horizons (I wish ) or been the typical Italian and when August came closed everything down to go on vacation for a month !!!!! Yes, yes if only…..although the second option is closer to reality….. I [...]
Our house outside the village of Allerona
Sunday morning the sky was blue with a couple of small white clouds floating by, it was a beautiful sunny day, just perfect for a lunch under the porch. My day started early in the kitchen, I was very excited, a 6 course menu to prepare for [...]
green tomatoes chutney
I am always very sad when the time comes to remove the last plants from my vegetable garden : tomatoes, peppers and chilies, all planted during the spring. The plants are now dry and sad, with only their last fruits. In shock from the cold, not really able to fully mature, [...]
bread and freshly pressed olive oil
With these olives it never seems to end! As you surely remember a couple of weeks ago we made our olive harvest. Then, with great satisfaction for two weeks we’ve been watching everyone from the Allerona village picking theirs . I say satisfaction because clearly ,when you know that your work is [...]
pumpkin and linguine pasta
Everywhere you look …. There are pumpkins! In stores, supermarkets, magazines, and clearly in all the food blogs. Halloween !!! witches and pumpkins! I honestly am not a Halloween lover, perhaps because it is not in my culture, since I was little I was never sent from my parents [...]
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