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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Zucchini invasion!

stuffed zucchini

stuffed zucchini

Zucchini, eggplant and stuffed tomatoes are dishes that are used often in Mediterranean cooking. I had the pleasure of eating zucchini and stuffed tomatoes in Greece and I must say that they were very good . Now this is a recipe that, like many others in my blog came to me, passed [...]

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Spinaci time

spinach and smoked tuna terrine

spinach and smoked tuna terrine

It ‘s spinach time! The spinach harvest in my garden was excellent. Although I had the same problem I have  with the salad … .. they’re all ready at the same time! But this is not a big problem, because the beauty of spinach is that you can also [...]

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Mandolins and church bells

bruschetta with tomatoes

bruschetta with tomatoes

Bruschetta with tomatoes is certainly one of those dishess that, I believe ,  represents  Italy. Bruschetta seems like a simple thing to do, and in reality it is, but you must be extremely careful with a few  things. 1: The bread must be Casareccio bread, baked in a wood oven, [...]

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A Roman feast!But no Coliseum.

carciofi alla romana

carciofi alla romana

Fourth row of the vineyard, another 3 artichokes ready to be picked! So to continue on the theme of missing Rome, I thought to do even the artichokes in the Roman way,  Carciofi alla romana. In this way, even if spread out over several days, I had a full Roman meal. Stuffed Zucchini flowers [...]

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Heaven on earth

zucchini flowers

zucchini flowers

This dish I could not live without  . I have spoken to you before about these delicious zucchini flowers cook in the  Roman way. Now that my vegetable garden is filled with zucchini , I think it’s the right time to do it. Each region has it’s own way to cook [...]

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Treasure trail

pancetta salad

pancetta salad


Each year I make the same mistake! When it’s time to plant  in the vegetable garden, I am so pleased that I put all the salad  in one day. The result is that when the salad is ready, IT ‘S ALL READY AT THE SAME TIME! And then….. we find ourselves eating [...]

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Am I crackers!

lasagna express

lasagna express

This is one of those brilliant ideas that gave me so much satisfaction. In the afternoon I went to my local supermarket to buy something for dinner. I am sure that this happens to you too , there are evenings when you do not know what to eat, you do not want [...]

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As time goes by

cook grilled peppers


cook grilled peppers

I love peppers, but unfortunately over the years, I discovered that like raw garlic  ( served in the typical bruschetta, with olive oil and salt) I find them a bit ‘indigestible. Could it be an age thing? I don’t know, but considering that I like them so much, I found [...]

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Viva la festa


me and my friends Rosanna, Umberto, Erminia and Silvana

Sunday evening I went home exhausted, but fell asleep smiling. 

 Let’s start from the beginning, as I had already mentioned in Saturday’s blog, this weekend my adopted village of Allerona was celebrating S.Isidoro the patron saint of farmers. This year for the first time I had [...]

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A Hamlet spring

pasta and vegetable

pasta and vegetable

I have not lost  hope, spring will arrive! All I need is just a few rays of sunshine to  change my mood and feel better, even if sincerely with all this rain and two or three rays of sunshine the grass in my garden grows inexorably! Now, in addition to all [...]

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Artichokes and fireworks

fry artichokes

fry artichokes


One thing  I immediately noticed when I came to live in the countryside, is the habit of planting roses or artichokes at the beginning of each row of grapes. The meaning of roses was then explained to me, the rose plant serves as a wake-up call, being in fact a very [...]

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Perfect polpetta

polpetta with eggplant and potatoes

polpetta with eggplant and potatoes

I’d do Polpette in every way, I love meatballs cooked with the tomato sauce , also when these are fried , of course or baked (for a lighter version), then there are the fish balls ( in the Italian version, but they are also super good the Thai fish cake  [...]

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Dear friends



My dear friend Lorna, great talented chef from London and a person of great creativity in the kitchen, she’s been asking me all this month to do a post about the agretti. This funny  vegetable, popular in the  Mediterranean and of course here in Italy, apparently, are very difficult to find elsewhere in [...]

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Nonna knows best




My Neapolitan grandmother always told me that the origin of Parmigiana di melanzane (eggplant parmigiana) there was no doubt, came from  Napoli. Yes, because with this recipe there is a real dispute between two regions  Campania and Sicily. I’m biased because my grandmother from my mother’s side ,was from Naples , if you [...]

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Happy Birthday

pasta shell

pasta shell

To paraphrase George Clooney, no finger food, no party ! In my opinion, parties should always start from 7.00 pm. Moreover, if the party exceeds the number of 8 people, I do not think the sitting dinner  is the best thing, The reason is that people can barely communicate, and you [...]

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