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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Bella Umbria

Fettucie di Garofalo cooked with a Asti Spumante and saffron sauce, goat cheese and white pepper.

Fettucie di Garofalo cooked with a Asti Spumante, saffron, goat cheese and white pepper.


It was 1960 when the local river last overflowed here in Orvieto, 52 years later the Paglia has burst its banks again and caused terrible damage , but just as then, people have proved to be courageous, united and ready to help each other. The people [...]

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New roommates...

Tortelloni filled with Buffalo mozzarella foam , served with Broccoli cream ,a dash of sun dried tomatoes and fresh anchovies paste .

Tortelloni filled with Buffalo mozzarella foam , served with Broccoli cream ,a dash of sun dried tomatoes and fresh anchovies paste .


I wish I could say that I made this Tortelloni dish using only the eggs laid by our new chickens! Unfortunately that`s not the case. But let’s start from the beginning.

As [...]

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A jolly big box of Radicchio.

Fusilli pasta , radicchio,walnuts and bufala mozzarella

Fusilli pasta , radicchio,walnuts and buffalo mozzarella

As I have already written a few months ago, this winter , for several reason, I didn’t do my vegetable garden. Not having prepared the ground in time, it would have been useless to plant winter vegetables. Unfortunately, we don’t have a green house so everything would [...]

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Sun , rain and wild boars

cucumber and mozzarella salad

cucumber and mozzarella salad


For the first time this year, I decided to plant in my vegetable garden, a couple of different varieties of tomatoes, two kinds that I haven’t  eaten before, YELLOW cherry tomatoes (even if they look orange) and BLACK tomatoes . I had the inspiration when I was watching an old [...]

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Nothing is faster to prepare, fresh and tasty to eat as a good CAPRESE, especially for a summer lunch. Also at this time of year tomatoes are delicious and the basil is abundant. I started to collect the first cherry tomatoes from my vegetable garden and feel the taste of a freshly picked [...]

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A few of my favorite thing

buffalo and truffle

buffalo and truffle

Maybe it’s because I’m in a good mood, it  maybe all the sun and the smell of summer, it can also be because our aperitif at  7:00 pm in the winter time , has now become an aperitif of 8:00 pm, and more importantly we can also drink it in the [...]

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