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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

100% Typical Italian

Homemade Pappardelle fresh pasta served with Ragù alla Bolognese

Homemade Pappardelle fresh pasta served with Ragù alla Bolognese


A few days ago on my Sagraincasa Face Book page and on Twitter I announced what for me was very exciting and great news “ the Umbrian country girl chef will arrive to work in London this February “ . Mamma Mia, the positive responses [...]

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A once in a lifetime experience.

Ricotta and aubergine cannelloni

Ricotta and aubergine cannelloni

Last night on the eve of my birthday, Nick asked me if I had any special wishes . Well, to tell you the truth, I did have one… Snow !!! And lots of it. That wish came true this morning.  I couldn’t believe it , we opened the shutters [...]

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Beans, peas and onion.

Solid caprese

Solid caprese


After consulting a  few old men from the  village and of course double checking  online, I think the weather is going to be OK. So next week we’ll start to plant something in the vegetable garden! A bit of fertilizer first ..then the last go with the cultivator and we’re ready. Green [...]

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Gnocchi Thursday!

Chestnut gnocchi and Porcini mushrooms sauce

Chestnut gnocchi and Porcini mushrooms sauce

For generations in the old trattories of Rome, the Thursday menu is dedicated to Gnocchi pasta. I grew up with the saying:  gnocchi Thursday !

 So , after discovering that even here in Umbria , Thursday is the day for  Gnocchi , I thought it was necessary to understand [...]

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Good things come in small packages

Pasta alla norma

Pasta alla norma


Today I think I made the last harvest of tomatoes for this season. I’m speaking of tomatoes good for making sauce. For the rest , in the vegetable garden I still have : cherry tomatoes,  tomatoes  good for salad, aubergines and  peppers. Some courgette flowers have appeared , but whether they [...]

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Passing time with passata

CIAO , I’m back.

Did you miss me? I hope so….anyway , after a month of a relatively relaxing  holiday, here I am again.                                                  August has been very productive. My vegetable garden has been generous this summer and demanded quite a lot of work…… MAMMA MIA. So let’s start: with [...]

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