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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

What a survivor!

Crispy fillet of bass cooked with almonds and crunchy walnuts , black olives and raisins. Served with escarole

Crispy fillet of bass cooked with almonds and crunchy walnuts , black olives and raisins. Served with escarole



Imagine my surprise when yesterday, strolling in my vegetable garden I found a couple of vegetables that had survived all the winter snow and frost that we had had less then a month ago, roman cauliflowers a [...]

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The parties over!!

Black pasta made with coffee served with a walnut cream and a dash of Whisky

Black pasta made with coffee served with a walnut cream and a dash of Whisky

Yesterday, in Italy, the Christmas holidays were officially over. On January the 6, Epiphany day ,it is  tradition for a witch with cape and broom to bring lots of sweets to the children (if they were good during the [...]

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Wish I had a magic wand.

Linguine goats cheese ,spring onios and walnuts.

Linguine goats cheese ,spring onios and walnuts.


Hello, the week has only just began, and already I am looking forward to the weekend! But let me start from beginning. Once upon a time……. in 2001 Nick and I  bought this derelict house in the countryside The roof needed  to be replaced, the bathroom was [...]

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A kind of blue.

Pasta with broccoli, spicy gorgonzola , walnuts and orange.

Pasta with broccoli, spicy gorgonzola , walnuts and orange.

 Earlier this week it seemed that spring had arrived early. Blue skies and wonderful hot sun. My hopes were up and I started to think of summer. But , then as fast as it came the warm weather disappeared behind grey clouds , drenching rain [...]

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A jolly big box of Radicchio.

Fusilli pasta , radicchio,walnuts and bufala mozzarella

Fusilli pasta , radicchio,walnuts and buffalo mozzarella

As I have already written a few months ago, this winter , for several reason, I didn’t do my vegetable garden. Not having prepared the ground in time, it would have been useless to plant winter vegetables. Unfortunately, we don’t have a green house so everything would [...]

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Slowly, slowly does it.

lamb and chestnuts stew.

lamb and chestnuts stew.


WAAHHHOOO , here she is ,straight  from UK, welcome to the Slow Cooker! Ok maybe you will say to me … .. and so what, I’ve had one for years, even my grandmother used it !!!!!. I know , in a big part of the world the Slow cooker is [...]

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The great Kaki debate.

lamb and kaki sauce

lamb and kaki sauce


I don’t  know how many of you like Persimmon fruit ( actually we call it Kaki) … among the people  I know , the feelings  are mixed. There are:  fans of  mature kaki, fans of super ripe kaki, others  that prefer it when it’s still a little unripe and hard [...]

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Inside , outside , underneath and on top.

risotto gorgonzola, pear and walnuts

risotto gorgonzola, pear and walnuts

It ‘s finished!  Everything that needed to be done in the fields is finished. The grapes  and now the olives have been picked. In fact , 3oo kg of olives , an equivalent  of 48 liters of Extra Virgin Olive Oil!! Not bad.

We were very lucky over the weekend [...]

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Five down, a thousand to go !

walnuts pesto and Porcini


O.k , now for my second recipe with walnuts, this time I used 5  ..Wahoo. I tell you, It’s not going to be easy to get through all these nuts. Anyway , for this recipe I decided to combine a walnut pesto ( I know I’m pesto crazy) with [...]

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Olives ,vines and a walnut tree…..

Pancetta roll with goats cheese,walnuts and pear.

Pancetta roll with goats cheese,walnuts and pear.

When we bought this farmhouse, there was a lot of work that needed doing  before we could move in. The roof, the floors and all the windows were broken ,plus the bathroom did not exist. In the lower part of the house was a barn where the [...]

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