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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Lost in translation

Moscardini in red sauce and wine


This week they came from London my mother in law and her friend for their holiday. Sun, relaxation, Italian food, good wine, a nice view of the green Umbrian hills and nothing more. One of the most interesting things when we have guests from U.K. is for me to try to translate types of fish or meat cuts that we have here in Italy. In fact, the problem is that I do not know very well how to translate and then quite often I find myself in the supermarket,  imitating the face of a fish or to indicate the top of my thigh for a specific cut of cow!  Another small contention is the double cream. We do not have the double cream in Italy and I know that this is a great shock but it is so. So speaking of seafood  the situation became very difficult in the COOP of Orvieto. Moscardini specifically. And what are they? You will say …., Well now I know everything, thanks to the Internet :MUSKY OCTOPUS … …. but even so after a long period of Charades and internet search they both look at me and say…. OH DO YOU MEAN BABY OCTOPUS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Serves 4
800 grams of Muscky octopus( baby octopus)
½ cup  red wine
500 grams of tomato passata
2 clove garlic
1 fresh chili
A handful of finely chopped parsley
e.v.o. oil
How it works:
Clean the baby octopus. In a pan cook in e.v.o. oil chili and garlic until golden .Remove the garlic, add the baby octopus  and cook for a few minutes. Add wine. Cook until wine is reduced by at least half.  Add the tomato passata and salt. Cook at low heat for 40 minutes. When cooked, add the parsley.

6 comments to Lost in translation

  • Camilla

    Hello Simona, I’m loving your site – beautiful pictures and recipes. Now I’m back home from Italy it is really helping to soothe the post-holiday blues… Thank you very, very much for the sensational food you delivered to us – your fresh ravioli with potato, taleggio and truffle sauce was sublime. Your cooking was the highlight of our stay in Umbria!

  • Momoko

    Ciao Simona! I’m a Japanese girl who loves cooking, art and photography. I like Italian cuisine because it’s simple and natural with no extra seasonings and more than anything, it’s full of love! Your homepage Sagraincasa is beautiful and lots of yummy recipes are there, also I like you are always smiling in pictures!

    By the way, last night I cooked stewed octopus (I went to the supermarket to get octopus in the rain after found your octopus recipe..), and I think it turned out good!

    I have a small community page named W&D on Facebook that people share the info about favorite restaurant, cafe, wine and food, so I’ll bookmark your Homepage as favorite on my page!

    Buona giornata,

  • Hi Momoko, welcome. I am very please about your comment. I do love Japanese food but I am very bad to preapare it, I also like to read Japanese authers so I am very pleased you joined the blog. Your W&D look very interesting and I am now one of your fan.

  • Momoko

    Grazie mille! I’m very happy that you joined W&D too. I’m planning to upload some contents about Japanese food so I hope it will help you get inspired for your creation in the kitchen…

  • Uriah Lopez

    Do you’ve a profile on twitter? I can’t seem to locate Lost in translation Sagraincasa on there and I would like to connect with you there. I like your writing style, thanks Uriah Lopez

  • Hi Uriah, thank you and welcome to my blog. I am very sorry but i do not twitter yet. I got a real bad phone …. and in the countryside we are a bit slow with these things ….. but you’re right, sooner or later I’ll twitter too.

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