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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Buon Natale !!!!

Amberjack fillets in pistachios, sun-dried tomatoes and bread crumbs.

Amberjack fillets in pistachios, sun-dried tomatoes and bread crumbs.

Here we are, this is one of the appetizers  I’ll serve over Christmas .  A nice and simple way to begin the celebrations  . In Italy the night before Christmas  is a very special time and traditionally we celebrated with  fish  .I chose  an amberjack fillet, cut into cubes and coated with chopped pistachios, sun-dried tomatoes, parsley and bread crumbs. A  tasty  finger food to serve with a glass of bubbly. My number one critic and husband Nick , said “ it looks a bit like a fish finger” !!!!! Lucky , even he agreed once he  had  a bite , that looks can be deceiving!! For the rest of the meal, we shall see, the main thing is not to overdo it in quantity and to have fun. As my father says we can be together even eating an onion, the important thing is being together!!!!!
 So, I’ll say to you all a good day and  wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year . See you in January.
Buona Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo

Ingredients for 10 finger food
700 grams of  Amberjack fish
A handful of pistachios
6 sun-dried tomatoes
A handful of parsley, chopped
A little lemon zest
Two tablespoons of bread crumbs
 2 tabsp Evo oil
Salt and pepper

How it works:
Cut  the  fillets from the fish and take off the skin (or if you prefer, ask at the fish counter to do this for you).
Cut the fillets into cubes dry with paper towels and set aside. Dice into small pieces sun dried tomatoes, lemon zest and place in blender. Combine the pistachios, parsley, salt and pepper.
In a bowl add the mixture with the bread crumbs, Evo oil and mix well with a fork. Pour the mixture on to a plate and one by one roll the fish cubes through the mix until  completely covered.  Heat a non stick frying pan and cook the fish cubes on all sides for a couple of minutes. Serve hot.

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