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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

In a Barbi world !!!

Sicilian broccoli and sausage bundle

This afternoon I’ll be going to the beautiful Estate of Decugnano dei Barbi, a old winery where I had the opportunity to work  last summer. A dream location where people can spend their holiday and also have the opportunity to taste great wines from the Barbi family cantina .
So today I’ll be there  for a tour,  wine tasting  and pick up my diploma !!!!!

So, as a Brava Italian woman, I’ve already planned a small appetizer that I can enjoy at my return after a VERY TIRING day!
I still have some filo pastry, so I decided to use it again. For the filling I thought to go for a classic combination ,from the Southern Italian cuisine. Sicilian broccoli and sausage with a hint of chili. This combination of  ingredients has been used for generations in southern Italy, from filling up pies to putting on top of pizza and as a sauce for pasta . So it’s a guarantee!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Me, I thought to use it to fill up my little bundle of Filo pastry . I do like the idea of a crunchy  texture.

 Here they are …… They  smell good  ,so I have a feeling they will be delicious too … …  I cannot wait to bit into these crispy appetizers!  That is of course, if there are any left by the time I get home.
I better go now , a wish you all a good weekend .

Ingredients for 8 bundle
2 sheets of Filo pastry
2 sausages
Sicilian 200 grams of broccoli, boiled
1 chili
1 clove garlic
Evo oil
Here’s how:
In a pan heat Evo oil  with chili and garlic. When lightly golden remove garlic  add the sausage without the skin and a splash of white wine. With a wooden spoon  ground the sausage meet and cook for 5 minute. Add the vegetables and cook for 5 minutes more. Allow to cool.
Cut  1Filo pastry into 4 rectangles. Using a brush spread some Evo oil in the outer parts of each rectangle.  Place a generous spoonful of vegetables and sausage in the middle top of every rectangle. Close the later sides of the rectangle and then roll up. Repeat for each rectangle. And start again whit the second sheet of Filo pastry. Brush the top of the bundles with more Evo oil . Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes or until they are golden and crispy.

2 comments to In a Barbi world !!!

  • Liz

    Simona – Where do you find filo pastry?

  • Hi, Liz. You can find filo pastry in the frozen food department of supermarkets. But if you want to know where you can find it in this area…..well ,some time ago the Coop in Orvieto Scalo had it, but then they stoped. So ,I ordered from the small shop in Allerona scalo (Conad). Another alternative is to go to Rome!

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