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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

From Allerona to Missouri.

Ravioli filled with pumpkin, ricotta cheese amaretti biscuits and nutmeg, served in butter and sage

I am very sorry if you have been worrying about what has happened to me but the last week has been very hectic ( no we haven’t left the hand brake off the car again and no there hasn’t been another wolf attack ).  Fortunately, everything has been very positive  . Firstly I met  Marcia Vanderlip, an American  journalist from the Columbia Tribune, Missouri.  She had decided to write a piece about me  whilst  Travelling around Italy writing about food.  A friend had mentioned my blog ( bloody Nora somebody , actually reads it ) and she contacted me.

I was very excited , if not a little nervous ,but Marcia was very kind and I felt at home with her strait away. Together we made the Raviolli you can see above.( READ THE ARTICLE HERE).

Then on Sunday we hosted our fourth Supper Club , the first inside . After preparing the food and laying the table , all that was left was to get the  fire blazing. Once all this was done ,Nick reasoned that  with less sitting space ( meaning fewer guests) he wasn’t really needed , then grabbed Lui and disappeared for the afternoon.  So ,if you’re wondering where all the pictures are ,blame the photographer !

Table set up and ready for my guests

In my kitchen

Fortunately ,  I had everything under control and the day past without a hitch.

Then on the Monday I was off to Rome for the first of a series of cooking courses that will be one night a week for two months.  Unbelievable , not only will I get the chance to improve my cooking skills ,but I’ll also get the chance to do some serious shopping !!!

For the Ravioli recipe have a look to at the article.

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