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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

A once in a lifetime experience.

Ricotta and aubergine cannelloni

Last night on the eve of my birthday, Nick asked me if I had any special wishes . Well, to tell you the truth, I did have one… Snow !!! And lots of it. That wish came true this morning.  I couldn’t believe it , we opened the shutters and there it was . Everything covered in a blanket of white snow.




  There was only one thing to do , wrap up warm , brave the freezing elements  and walk up to the village shop in search of supplies. Even Lui our dog couldn’t wait to get out into it.


Me and Lui heading out.

Me and Lui heading out.


 Off we went . After a 30 minute walk, passing Hilda “the unlucky goat” and more than one abandoned car ,plus a few very excited school children ,we eventually arrived in the village . A hand full of people had gathered outside the shop and the talk was serious “ three or four days , that’s the forecast “.


Hilda the unlucky goat

Hilda the unlucky goat



“Bloody Nora ” . I had only brought 10 Euros with me and I wasn’t going to get much with that . Luckily Nick said he thought we had enough bits and pieces in the fridge ,so all we needed were the ingredients for my Birthday cake.

 I have to admit that Nick’s been very unlucky  with my Birthday this year . If he had booked a restaurant for this evening ,we would of had to cancel due to the bad weather.  Unfortunately for him , he had planned ahead and we went to a very expensive Michelin starred restaurant last Saturday (“a once in a lifetime experience “ as he kept reminding me throughout the meal ) .


Our house under the snow.

Our house under the snow.


Back home , we set the fires blazing and spent the day looking out the windows feeling glad to be indoors . Later , we had a hot shower  and prepared for a romantic evening with a few glasses of wine and of course my second special Birthday dinner.

After rooting around in the fridge and cupboards he managed to pull out a few sheets of lasagna pasta ,an Aubergine , ricotta and some mozzarella  . Added together with our tomato passata and a few pine nuts ,he had it . “ Aubergine and Ricotta Cannelloni”.

I have to say , if not a little messy , it wasn’t bad at all. So ,  I’m a very lucky person. Not only did I get a “once in a lifetime” restaurant experience, but I also got my true Birthday wish . A romantic dinner for two in front of the fire with a blanket of snow outside.






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