Living in the country I discovered that the fields are full of edible wild greens which are also incredibly good . In this period we see many women in the fields gathering wild vegetables, so I also decided to organize myself with gloves, bag and scissors and do my own collection. You can find wild chicory, borage, nettles, garlic, asparagus and cook everything. In particular, I was lucky enough to try two dishes cooked with stinging nettles. Fillet of beef with nettle, a dish that is cooked in a lovely restaurant in Orvieto and nettle risotto created by my friend and excellent cook Adio. For now, I started with Filetto but with the next collection I will try the risotto. So look where you walk!
l ortica lhai cucinata a parte??? lessata o cosa??
l’ortica lo lessata, poi tolta l’acqua in eccesso l’ho frullata con il mixer.In padella con una noce di burro e un pizzico di sale l’ho scaldata prima di servirla sul filetto. Regarding il risotto che in realtà devo ancora fare, ricordati di utilizzare l’acqua con cui hai cotto l’ortica.Con quella infatti puoi cuocere direttamente il risotto…..magari filtrala xrò!
I like your site!
That is nice to definitely find a site where the blogger knows what they are talking about.