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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

I can hear the grass grow

spicy meat balls

In Umbria, today we had a beautiful sun, seemed like August. From the morning I started to hear the sound of chainsaws and strimmers in action, which suggests to me that soon will be our turn too to work in the garden. I believe that on average ,during the summer ,we cut the grass at least 20/25 times in the garden. Then we also cut the grass under the vines at least 6 times before the grape harvest, then there’s the grass under the olive trees … … … .. Mamma mia I’m already tired just thinking about it, would not you? So without any guilt, despite the sound of machinery in action, today I had a nice walk with my dog Lui and I prepared to return these beautiful meat balls, which we ate under the porch. Tomorrow is another day and you will see, maybe the inspiration will come …. meanwhile, the grass can wait, even though it’s growing!!

Serves 4
700 grams of minced meat
4 fresh onions
1 egg white
4 red chillies
10 mint leaves
 1 teaspoon chilli powder
5 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons sugar
10 cherry tomatoes
Long sticks
How it works:
In a bowl combine the meat, egg whites, finely chopped hot pepper and chilli powder. Chives, finely chopped fresh mint and onions. Mix everything together and add salt. With wet hands form small balls and leave to marinate in the fridge. In oven grill whole tomatoes with extra virgin olive oil and salt. In a pan pour the balsamic vinegar and sugar , cook until the liquid reduces to 1 / 3 and the consistency becomes like a syrup. Cook the meatballs in oil until cooked and lightly browned. Now combine all the ingredients: with a toothpick skewering a mint leaf, a tomato, mint and a scoop of meat again. Before serving, pour the syrup of balsamic vinegar over the kebabs.

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